National Society of Professional Surveyors Announces Results of 10th Annual Student Competition

Gaithersburg, MD – The National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS) held its 10th Annual Student Competition in conjunction with the California Land Surveyor’s Association (CLSA)/Nevada Association of Land Surveyors’ (NALS) joint conference in Las Vegas, NV on March 7, 2011. Seven schools with baccalaureate degree programs in surveying, surveying engineering technology and/or surveying engineering participated.

Each competing team had four months to develop a project in the area of “Hydrographic Surveying”; write a 30pp. paper; prepare a wall poster; and give a 20 minute presentation at the conference. Judges for the competition were A. Wayne Harrison, President of NSPS; William Coleman, President-Elect of NSPS; Robert Dahn, Vice-President of NSPS, Carl R. CdeBaca; NSPS Area Nine Director; and Robert J. Reese, a Past President of CLSA. 

First Place: Troy University, Troy Alabama
Second Place: University of Maine, Orono, Maine
Third Place: Oregon Institute of Technology, Klamath Fall, Oregon
Honorable Mentions (In alphabetical order)
California State University, Fresno; Fresno, CA
Michigan Technological Institute; Houghton, Michigan
New Jersey Institute of Technology; Newark, New Jersey
University of Puerto Rico- Mayaguez; Mayaguez, Puerto Rico

At the conclusion of the competition each team received a crystal bowl and each individual on the team received a participation ribbon and medallion in recognition of their efforts.

This year’s competition was coordinated by A. Richard Vannozzi, Assistant Professor of Civil Technology/Surveying and Mapping, Thompson School of Applied Science at the University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH and further questions can be addressed to him via email at: Schools wishing to receive information regarding the 2012 competition should contact Mr. Vannozzi at the above email, as well.

NSPS is the national organization representing the Land Surveying profession in the United States and has among its aims and objectives: Advancing the sciences and disciplines with in the profession; supporting new practical methods of surveying; promoting public faith and confidence in the profession; encouraging high standards of ethical and professional behavior; and seeking improvements in higher education curricula for surveyors.

For more information about NSPS please contact Executive Director Curt Sumner, 6 Montgomery Village Avenue, Suite 403, Gaithersburg, MD 20879, (240) 632-9716, ext. 106, or via email:

Note: All photos courtesy of Steve Shambeck, PLS Photography



Harrison, Coleman, Reese, and DeBaca At Awards

Michigan Tech

New Jersey Inst of Tech

OIT-3rd Place

Puerto Rico

Teams Between Presentations

Troy University-1st Place

University Of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez