Group Moves Forward with ACSM Realignment

Recommends a unified, single-membership national organization

Gaithersburg, January 13, 2011 – The ad-hoc ACSM Reorganization Committee reached a broad agreement Monday on recommending a realignment of ACSM as a unified membership organization with close ties among professionals in diverse disciplines and geographic areas. The Committee developed a more inclusive mission statement of the realigned organization, recommended that it be named ACSM, and drafted a proposed structure for this organization.

The new mission statement recognizes the different disciplines represented by the organization and emphasizes welcoming a diversity of expertise rather than splintering the group by profession. The scope of the new mission statement reflects the progress that has occurred in surveying and mapping science and technology, as well as the need to create an organization with a greater meaning and value to a growing and diverse group of surveying and mapping professionals.

The Committee overwhelmingly endorsed the name "American Congress on Surveying and Mapping", citing its long history in the cross-disciplinary field of surveying and mapping. A number of participants were of the opinion that a national organization should “build the future of our profession” and “speak with one voice.”

The discussion on the proposed governance structure was guided by a number of key points. These included the desire to ensure involvement of a wide range of geospatial constituencies, to facilitate implementation of new programs and activities of value to membership, and to encourage participation in these programs and activities. The proposed governance structure will feature a Board of Directors elected by the membership at large, with no Board seats set aside for specific interest areas within the overall membership. However, segments within the membership defined by their specialized areas of interest, expertise, geography, and other distinguishing characteristics will be able to form and feed into the Board’s activities in a relatively flexible structure. This will allow any member to become involved based on their interests and willingness to participate.

The work accomplished by the ad hoc Committee on January 10th will be followed by the release of its report to current Member Organization leaderships and their memberships. This report will present the proposed structure as well as some of the suggested future core activities. After a brief comment period, it is expected that further refinement will take place, including discussion of membership fees and internal administrative issues. The committee’s recommendations will be presented to the Boards of Directors of the Member Organizations at the 2011 Survey Summit in San Diego.

Contact information: Curtis Sumner, ACSM Executive Director,; 240-632-9716 ext. 106