LSACTS Announces the Release of Two White Papers, a Technical Article and Its Updated Website

San Diego, CA- Today, the Land Surveyors Advisory Council on Technical Standards wishes to announce the release of their first formally vetted White Papers, the first entitled Right of Entry, authored by Lawrence A. Stevens, PLS and the second entitled Land Surveyor Liability, Part 1 of 9, authored by David E. Woolley, PLS. Each White Paper can be found on our newly revised website at, under the White Paper heading.

Right of Entry engages the reader by describing the terms in which the licensed land surveyor is granted the right to enter private property while reminding us the trust of the public hinges on our professional actions and conduct.

Land Surveyor Liability, Part 1 of 9 is the first of 9 total installments, introducing the reader to legal issues related to the business and profession of Land Surveying, including contracts, negligence, fraud and third party liability. Future installments will provide broad detail regarding each of the introductory topics, supported with“individual tort action and the professional responsibilities of the land surveyor”.

LSACTS is also pleased to announce several technical articles being made available through our website. The latest, entitled Rules of Research and Evidence Evaluation for Conducting a Boundary Survey in the State of California, authored by Michael J. Pallamary, PLS. This technical article is an invaluable source for the professional land surveyor, describing certain steps to be considered when collecting evidence and conducting a boundary survey.

Finally, LSACTS announces the release of our newly revised website, The website has an updated modern feel, including a news heading providing others a chance to see the Council in action. Our new website also contains a section listing technical and popular articles authored by council members and also includes several Curtis M. Brown articles released from the private collection of Council Member Michael J. Pallamary, PLS.

We have also added the ability for others to join in our efforts and become corresponding members. As a corresponding member you will be added to our mailing list and will have the opportunity to submit self authored works for consideration by the council.