Airborne Sensing Corporation Upgrades Its UltraCamD to an UltraCamX

Graz, Austria — June 22, 2010 — The Airborne Sensing Corporation (ASC) has contracted with Vexcel Imaging GmbH, a Microsoft® company, to upgrade its UltraCamD to an UltraCamX large-format digital aerial camera system. ASC has used Vexcel Imaging products since June 2005 when the company first acquired an UltraCam, and then later purchased an UltraCamX in 2008.

“We have been pleased with the performance of our UltraCamD. The imagery has always met or greatly exceeded our clients’ expectations,” noted ASC’s President, Alex Giannelia. “We decided to upgrade to the UltraCamX because it will give us productivity improvements while maintaining a common equipment infrastructure.”

“Vexcel Imaging is pleased to continue its association with ASC,” said Alexander Wiechert, Business Director of Microsoft and Managing Director for Vexcel Imaging GmbH. “We make every effort to develop the products our customers need, and to provide upgrade paths that help them grow their businesses.”

Vexcel Imaging provides upgrade paths so that clients can upgrade any large-format UltraCam model to any newer model and retain compatibility with established workflows. The sequence of large-format digital aerial camera system models is UltraCamD, UltraCamX, UltraCamXp, UltraCamXp Wide Angle. Similarly, the medium-format UltraCamL can be upgraded to an UltraCamLp.

About the UltraCamX
The UltraCamX collects 216 megapixels per trigger to produce 14,430 across-track and 9,420 along-track pixels, with a sustained collection rate of three gigabits per second. The camera maintains forward overlap of 70% at 3 cm pixels and 80% overlap at 5 cm pixels feasible at normal flying speeds. Meanwhile, the UltraCamX system features a data flow that allows vast image collection in the air. Low-cost, exchangeable data storage devices hold up to 4,700 images and can be swapped mid-flight for reduced ground turnover time.

About Vexcel Imaging, GmbH
Acquired by Microsoft Corporation in May 2006, Vexcel Imaging GmbH brings more than two decades of photogrammetry expertise to Microsoft’s Bing Maps business unit and is at the heart of the burgeoning Microsoft photogrammetry business. The company’s offerings include its series of UltraCam large- and medium-format digital aerial mapping cameras and related software tools such as the UltraMap 2.0 workflow software.

About Airborne Sensing Corporation
The Airborne Sensing Corporation (ASC), founded in 1980, is based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. One of North America’s leading providers of airborne remote sensing services, ASC has built a reputation for working quickly and efficiently, with intelligent planning and superb project management. ASC serves clients across a range of markets, including agriculture, engineering, forestry, mapping and surveying, transportation and utilities, and urban and regional planning. For more information, please visit