Roger Crystal Assumes Role as ASPRS Foundation President

The American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) Foundation recently appointed Roger Crystal, the former Foundation Vice President, to assume the role of Foundation President in response to Thomas Lillesand’s desire to rotate out of that position after six years of service. Dr. Lillesand will continue serving the Foundation as a Trustee. Dr. Cliff Greve, SAIC, has moved into the role of Vice President and Dr. Tina Cary, Cary and Associates, has assumed the role of Foundation Secretary. Michael Renslow, consultant, continues as Foundation Treasurer. Dr. Alan Stevens also serves as a Trustee. All current Trustees are past presidents of ASPRS.

“I am happy to be stepping in as Foundation President,” said Crystal. “The Foundation is doing well and we are close to reaching our goal of full endowment of all non-pass-through awards. This is a significant achievement in a relatively short period of time.”

Lillesand was appointed as Foundation President when the Foundation returned to ASPRS in 2004 and he has overseen phenomenal growth in the ASPRS Awards funding over the past six years. “The Foundation was in a fragile state when it returned to ASPRS from IGIF,” Lillesand commented. “We have seen the funding for the awards and scholarships grow from an initial $60,000 in 2004 to a very healthy $740,000 today. This is due mainly to the generous donations of ASPRS individual members and Sustaining Member companies, but also to bequests, the establishment of new awards, and matching funds from ASPRS, and to a sound financial management policy adopted early on by the Board of Trustees. The Foundation is ideally positioned to enter its next stage of growth and development with its new alignment of officers.”

The activities, bylaws, operating procedures, and Board of Trustees are listed on the web site at, and donations may be made online at

Founded in 1934, ASPRS is an international professional organization of 6,000 geospatial data professionals. ASPRS is devoted to advancing knowledge and improving understanding of the mapping sciences to promote responsible application of photogrammetry, remote sensing, geographic information systems and supporting technologies.

About The ASPRS Foundation
Founded in 1979, The ASPRS Foundation, Inc. is an independent 501 (c) 3 organization established to provide grants, scholarships, loans and other forms of aid to individuals or organizations pursuing knowledge of imaging and geospatial information science and technology, and their applications across the scientific, governmental, and commercial sectors. The Foundation is the primary funding source for all non-sponsored awards and scholarships recognized by the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.