New Version of ScanEx Software Package for EROS Data Processing

A new version of ScanEx EROS Tools software package has been released for processing of optical high resolution data acquired from EROS A and EROS B satellites (Operator — ImageSat Int., Israel). The software package was improved by the ScanEx specialists and is based on original software developed by ImageSat Int., enabling to unpack the input bit stream and to generate standard products of Level-0 (RAW), Level-1A (radiometrically calibrated) and Level-1B (geometrically corrected) in JPEG and GeoTIFF formats.

The new version of the software package now has a uniform, easy-to-use graphical interface, enabling to automatize and simplify EROS A/B data processing as much as possible.

Please be reminded that the commercial system of EROS satellites consists of two satellites flying on sun-synchronous orbits: EROS A delivers morning images at the resolution of 1.9 m, whereas EROS B – postmeridian images with resolution up to 0.7 m. According to the license agreements signed with ImageSat Int. the images from satellites are delivered in real-time to the network of ScanEx ground receiving stations in Russia, thus ensuring high operability of orders’ execution and affordable product prices. Images from satellites of EROS series are available in the catalog of the popular resource Kosmosnimki.Ru ( The ScanEx EROS Tools software package in its turn enables to conduct quality processing of highly detailed EROS A/B imagery.

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