Lagos State Presents First Permanent CORS to Nigerian Institution of Surveyors

The President of the Nigerian Institution of Surveyors Dr Olusola Atilola and the NIS Council paid an official courtesy call on the office of the Surveyor-General of Lagos State.

On hand to receive the august delegation were three past Surveyors-General of Lagos State – Surv. (Chief) O. Akinola (SG 1975-1987), Surv. M. A. O. Durowuju (SG 2006-2008), Surv. (Mrs.) D. K. Fasasi (SG 2003-2005) (only female SG of Lagos State to date) and the Current Surveyor-General of Lagos State – Surv. D. O. Olatubosun.

The delegation was shown the facilities, equipment and installations at the OSG of Lagos State. Lagos State was proud to present the Leica Contiuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) built by the leading Nigerian Geospatial Company GeoQinetiq Limited. This CORS collects, processes and disseminates positional and navigational data from Global Positioning Satellites in orbit around the Earth in real time, via radio and GSM frequencies for use by surveyors, engineers and scientists in and around Lagos State.

Surv. M. A. O. Durowoju, who is the Special Adviser to the Executive Governor of Lagos State and Chairman of the Committee which was mandated to examine and recommend the best sustainable mapping and GIS solution for Lagos State presented the CORS, which represents one of the seven modules of the Lagos Digital Mapping and Enterprise Geographic Information System (E-GIS) project to the delegation.

The Managing Director of GeoQinetiq Limited – the leading geophysical, geospatial and logistics solutions provider in Nigeria, who were contracted to design, install, commission and train GIS and Geomatics professionals from the office of the Surveyor-General of Lagos State in the operations of the State’s first public Continuously Operating Reference Station – Juliet Ezechie was also on hand to explain the technical specifications and benefits of the system to the people of Lagos State.

Nigerian Institution of Surveyors visiting first CORS in Lagos Nigeria
1. Surv. D. O. Olatubosun, current Surveyor-General, Lagos State.
2. Juliet Ezechie MD, GeoQinetiq Limited
3. Dr Olusola Atilola, National President, Nigerian Institution of Surveyors
4. Surv. M. A. O. Durowuju (Surveyor-General of Lagos State 2006-2008), Special Adviser to the Governor of Lagos State on Lagos E-GIS.
5. Surv. (Mrs.) D. K. Fasasi (Surveyor-General of Lagos State 2003-2005) – only female Surveyor-General of Lagos State to date.