Tariam Offers Free Satellite Broadband Hardware for US & NATO Forces Personnel

Global Satellite Broadband ISP Tariam has launched an innovative new satellite broadband service aimed specifically at supporting serving NATO and ISAF forces and their subcontractors operating in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The service, dubbed ‘inet’, has been put together to facilitate welfare communications for personnel stationed thousands of miles from friends and family with no way of communicating with home.

Tariam’s Military and Aerospace Director, Selwyn Petterson, said, “inet is a revolutionary offering because we’re actually giving away the hardware with the service. We’ve constructed the product to make it as easy and quick as possible for these users to get online. We’ve got large stocks of hardware sitting in the appropriate countries to minimise delays in getting the equipment to where it’s needed most. We’re confident that we’ve got enough equipment to offer the deal to ALL serving NATO and ISAF personnel, and we can provide service on a variety of satellites, wherever our forces are working.

“Most people don’t realise that the ordinary troops and serving personnel rarely have access to the internet in many of these places because it simply doesn’t exist there. We’ve made a name for ourselves supplying communications for the military, but inet is aimed really at the ordinary soldiers and airmen.

The Tariam inet kit includes everything the user with a PC needs to get online quickly enabling them to exchange emails, make and receive voice calls, browse the internet and even use a webcam to see their loved ones. There’s a list of bases and camps that can use the service on Tariam’s website, but all of Afghanistan and Iraq are well covered.

Selwyn went on to say, “The core of the solution is hardware that’s been extensively tested and is well proven in a variety of environments, but the key thing is that troops often transit through camps or bases and are only around for fairly short periods before moving on. The way the product works allows groups of individuals to club together to get a location online with no capital outlay and the users can then just pay as they come and go.

More information on Tariam inet is available now by browsing the Tariam website and clicking Afghanistan & Iraq. www.tariam.co.uk