Two GITA Board Members, Research Committee Chair Appointed to NGAC

Aurora, Colo., Feb. 8, 2010—The Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA) is very pleased to announce that three key GITA leaders have been appointed to the National Geospatial Advisory Committee (NGAC).

Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar appointed a total of 14 individuals to serve as members of the NGAC on Thursday, Feb. 4. The NGAC provides advice and recommendations on federal geospatial policy and management issues as well as a forum to convey views representative of partners in the geospatial community. The members of the NGAC report to the chair of the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC), which is the Federal interagency executive group responsible for providing leadership and direction in federal geospatial programs. The FGDC is chaired by the Secretary of the Interior or the Secretary’s designee.

The appointed individuals include GITA’s 2010 President, Cindi Salas, Director, Land & Field Services, CenterPoint Energy; 2010 President-elect Dr. Robert F. Austin, Enterprise Application Integration Manager, City of Tampa; and Research Committee Chair and Past President David DiSera, Vice President & CTO, EMA, Inc. Past GITA Board and Executive Committee Member Xavier Lopez, Director, Location Based Services, Oracle Corporation, was also appointed.

“We are extremely pleased that the importance of the geospatial dimensions of infrastructure has been acknowledged at the federal level by these appointments. It is vital that practitioners from the utility and local government sectors have input to decisions being made at the highest levels. I am confident that this added representation will result in very positive developments for critical infrastructure protection and the geospatial industry in general, “said Robert M. Samborski, GITA’s Executive Director.

“I am delighted to accept appointment to the National Geospatial Advisory Committee,” said Salas. “It is certainly my privilege to participate on this committee with such a varied and prestigious cast of members, and to have an opportunity to provide input on the development of federal and national geospatial programs. I’m honored, grateful, and enthusiastically looking forward to bringing the utility perspective to this group as we address areas of critical importance.”

"Appointment by Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to the National Geospatial Advisory Committee is a great honor,” said Austin. “Geospatial information and analytical tools hold significant promise for supporting economic recovery in areas such as local government and communications.  I appreciate the opportunity and privilege of service to the geospatial information community and look forward to working with my colleagues on the committee to realize that promise."

“I am extremely honored to have been appointed to the National Geospatial Advisory Committee,” said DiSera. ”I look forward to bringing my experience working with the geospatial information and technology community and collaborating with the other committee members on vital issues facing the FGDC related to the management of Federal and national geospatial programs, and further development of SDI and policies for addressing our community problems at the national and local levels.”

The NGAC meets three to four times per year. The public is invited to comment and make suggestions at all committee meetings, which will be announced by publication in the Federal Register at least 15 days before the meeting date. The U.S. Geological Survey, a bureau of the Department of the Interior, provides support services for the NGAC. The NGAC functions solely as an advisory body.

About GITA
The Geospatial Information & Technology Association, or GITA, is the professional association and leading advocate for anyone using computerized mapping for the extraction of data to own, operate, maintain, and protect the infrastructure. GITA is the source for professional best practices, education, and employment.