ASPRS LIDAR Committee – Hot Topics Session to focus on LiDAR and Mobile Mapping Systems

The American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing ( ASPRS ) will once again host a Hot Topics session at the upcoming International Lidar Mapping Forum (ILMF) event scheduled for March 3 – 5, 2010.

The Hot Topics session is being coordinated by Randy Rhoades, Chairman of the ASPRS LIDAR committee, but with the involvement of some of the key players in the newly formed ASPRS Mobile Mapping Systems committee.

With the close synergy yet unique differences between airborne Lidar and Mobile Mapping Systems, the ASPRS has recognized the need to develop a separate committee. This new committee will host its inaugural meeting at the spring 2010 ASPRS Annual Conference in San Diego, but in the meantime the LiDAR Committee will incorporate specific talks in the HOT Topics session.

Lewis Graham, President and CTO of GeoCue, will provide an overview of Mobile Mapping Systems and Jamie Young, Director of Operations at Sanborn, will discuss the Integration of Airborne, Terrestrial and Mobile Mapping Datasets.

Additional presentations will be made by Karen Schuckman, Professor at Penn State University, who will look at what is good versus what is lacking in terms of personnel training and Matt Bethel, Manager of Systems Engineering at Merrick & Company, who will focus on high performance computing for LiDAR Data Processing.

The session will be held on the opening morning of the ILMF conference and all registered delegates will be able to attend free of charge.

For more information on the ASPRS Lidar Committee visit

For more information on the soon to be established ASRPS Mobile Mapping Systems committee

For more information on ILMF 2010 visit .
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