Spatial Information Solutions Announces Release of Accuracy Analyst Version 2.0

Survey Location Planner, PhotoBook and ReViewer Extend Workflow Support

Starkville, Miss., 30 November 2009 — Spatial Information Solutions, Inc. (SIS), announces Version 2.0 of Accuracy Analyst™ is in testing and will be released by the end of November 2009.

Version 2.0 adds three major enhancements: Survey Location Planner, PhotoBook, and ReViewer. In addition, more report customization is available.

Survey Location Planner enables users to load existing image data, select desired survey (control or check) points for field work planning, and output a set of points-of-interest (POIs or waypoints) that may be added to vehicle navigation systems so teams can easily navigate to the collection sites. Another benefit is the use of the Accuracy Analyst report to provide detailed directions to the field crew for site locations to aid them in carrying out the field work data collection – ensuring that the correct features are precisely located.

Accuracy Analyst now provides an integrated photo book that displays pictures taken on the ground (during surveying) of checkpoint locations or images of surveying sketches that enable enhanced identification of exact survey checkpoint locations from image data. When the user moves to a checkpoint in Accuracy Analyst, PhotoBook automatically loads the images needed by the analyst to identify the photo location quickly and with confidence.

The ReViewer interface enables map producers to deliver a shared analytics solution to data customers that will enable them to review the error analysis and also look closely at the image data delivered, select tiled image data, and "mark up" the tiles as to whether the image data is acceptable or if it requires refinements or adjustments.

“We were very pleased, when we introduced Version 1.0 of Accuracy Analyst in July, to find that all of our customers confirmed that it provides remarkable reductions in the time and effort to conduct accuracy assessment,” said Chuck O’Hara, President of SIS. ”They also made suggestions for how we can make Accuracy Analyst even more valuable, and Version 2.0 incorporates those suggestions.”

More details about the release can be found at

Version 2.0 will be made freely available to all existing customers upon its release on December 4, 2009. Pricing for Accuracy Analyst will remain at the introductory level for now, but may increase with the release of major functional enhancements and the expanded workflow supported in Version 2.0.

About Spatial Information Solutions, Inc.
Spatial Information Solutions, Inc. (SIS) was formed in 2006 as a spin-out company from Mississippi State University. SIS provides services, support, and technologies in acquiring and quality assuring map accurate photography, modernizing and maintaining maps, and developing custom software and GIS applications to meet the mapping needs of its customers. For more information, visit