Accuracy Analyst Software from SIS Answers “Is Newer Data Always Better?”

Starkville, Miss., 27 July 2009 — Accuracy Analyst™ from Spatial Information Solutions, Inc. (SIS), the first software solution to determine locational accuracy of the image data used to produce maps, is generating excitement in the user community. The recent demonstration at the Mississippi Automated Resource Information System (MARIS) led one user to note that Accuracy Analyst™ will enable him to determine whether the latest and highest-resolution data available is actually the best data to use. Another user identified Accuracy Analyst as a “must-see” product, recommending to the organizers of an annual fall conference that they should invite SIS to present a demonstration. The SIS website traffic doubled when the release of Accuracy Analyst was announced, another sign that users are looking for a tool that lets them answer the questions “Is newer data always better?” and “Just how good is this data?”

The demonstration included a 3" data set collected for the test range at Sioux Falls USGS EDC, loading and testing a 3.8 GB MrSID mosaic, and other data sets as well. “The group was very engaged,” said Dr. Chuck O’Hara, President of SIS. He continued, “We are extremely happy that we worked with MARIS and they were our first user group live demonstration. Kudos to all of the folks at MARIS. We could not have had a better experience for this debut user group demo event.”

With Accuracy Analyst™, data providers will differentiate their products and reap the benefits of rapid data assurance, customer acceptance of data, and payment for delivered image data products whose accuracy and quality characteristics have been proven to meet or exceed customer requirements and product specifications. Data providers and customers alike will appreciate the use of Accuracy Analyst to effectively assure and communicate the quality of new map photo data and the ability to distinguish the quality of new data from old products so that maps may be updated using new images without uncertainty or delays.

Pricing is per seat, with volume discounts beginning for the sixth seat. Introductory pricing is in effect through September 30, 2009, call 662.323.0202 for details.

About Spatial Information Solutions, Inc.
Spatial Information Solutions, Inc. (SIS) was formed in 2006 as a spin-off company from Mississippi State University. SIS provides services, support, and technologies in acquiring and quality assuring map accurate photography, modernizing and maintaining maps, and developing custom software and GIS applications to meet the mapping needs of its customers. For more information, visit