DAT/EM Systems International Presents Single Panel 3D Stereo Viewing

DAT/EM Systems International is pleased to present a new option for 3D stereo viewing. A single 120-Hz-refesh-rate LCD monitor provides crystal clear stereo image viewing and clean panning. This is the most affordable 3D viewing option ever to be available for DAT/EM System’s Summit Evolution™ stereoplotter and Landscape™ LiDAR processing packages. The slender profile allows this monitor to comfortably fit most desktop environments, and the competitive price makes this a great alternative for conservative budgets.

This single-panel LCD stereo viewing technology is an excellent choice for any Summit Evolution or Landscape workstation.

About DAT/EM Systems International
DAT/EM Systems International is a leader in the development of software for digital mapping and photogrammetric applications. Currently, DAT/EM serves over 500 photogrammetric production companies, engineering firms and government agencies in more than 70 countries worldwide. DAT/EM takes pride in a reputation for delivering quality systems and superior customer support. With an ever-changing technological climate in the mapping world, DAT/EM stays committed to continued development and implementation of state-of-the-art software and hardware for digital mapping applications. DAT/EM employs highly technical and creative personnel, integrates cutting-edge technology and performs its business transactions in an honest and open manner.