Producing Accurate Orthos under the Radar – a Free ERDAS Webinar

Norcross, GA – ERDAS announces Producing Accurate Orthos under the Radar, a free webinar on June 2, 2009 at 11 a.m. (EST).  This webinar provides an overview on how to process radar imagery, highlighting IMAGINE OrthoRadar, a part of the IMAGINE Radar Mapping Suite.

Because radar imagery penetrates cloud cover, perennially cloud covered areas may be mapped using orthocorrected radar images. Similarly, incorporating radar imagery into your GIS analysis and database requires precise geocoding or orthocorrection. IMAGINE OrthoRadar performs precision geocoding and orthorectification of SAR images, using SAR sensor models, satellite orbit models and digital elevation models (DEMs). Fully integrated into the ERDAS IMAGINE® environment, IMAGINE OrthoRadar also easily handles GCPs and map projections.

To register for Producing Accurate Orthos under the Radar, please visit:

Each month, ERDAS is offering at least two different webinar topics. In addition to a live presentation and demonstration, each webinar also includes the opportunity for customers to interact directly with the presenters. Scheduled to last forty-five minutes, each webinar will include approximately thirty minutes of presented material and fifteen minutes for Q&A.

For more information about ERDAS or its products and services, please call +1 770 776 3400, toll free +1 877 GO ERDAS or visit

ERDAS – The Earth to Business Company – helps organizations harness the information of the changing earth for greater advantage. ERDAS creates geospatial business systems that transform our earth’s data into business information, enabling individuals, businesses and public agencies to quickly access, manage, process and share that information from anywhere. Using secure geospatial information, ERDAS solutions improve employee, customer and partner visibility to information, enabling them to respond faster and collaborate better. It also means better decision-making, increased productivity and new revenue streams. Welcome to ERDAS: a trusted name, with a new energy, and a new vision. Earth to business starts here. ERDAS is a part of the Hexagon Group, Sweden. For more information about ERDAS or its products and services, please call +1 770 776 3400, toll free +1 866 534 2286, or visit