General CADD Products Releases General CADD Surveyor 3D v7.1

Cherry Valley, New York, May 12, 2009 – General CADD Products is pleased to announce the release of General CADD Surveyor 3D v7.1 – a low cost, Surveyor Specific command extension to General CADD Pro.
General CADD Pro or "GCP" as users are calling it is a very powerful, low cost 2-D Computer Assisted Design & Drafting program (32 bit accuracy) which embodies the features of Generic CADD (CADD6), the very popular and well known DOS based CADD program which reportedly has over 350,000 users world wide. This S3D extension provides at low cost a very powerful set of Surveyor Specific features.

General CADD-S3D is perfect for technical professionals (drafters, surveyors, engineers) for creating boundary and topographic maps from survey data.

Unlike other survey programs, the Surveyor 3D features are built right into the core of the CAD program. This allows the Surveyor the unique ability to interact directly with the survey data – lines, curves, label information and points making edits and additions a quick and simple time saving operation.

Surveyor Specific command information and on line videos

The main feature set includes:
• Field to Finish – Create drawings automatically based on information in standard point labels obtained from file import of data from a Total Station.
• 3D Surfacing – Create a 3D TIN (triangulated irregular network) based on selected 3D points, border and breakline objects.
• 3D Viewing – Surfaces can be viewed in 3D from any viewing position.
• Integrated Contouring – Generate contours with labels that can be dynamically repositioned and formatted.
• COGO – Integrated COGO (coordinate geometry) window that gives the ability to compute points with all reporting available in the same view. COGO commands include: curve creation from data, bearing-bearing intersection, distance-bearing intersection, and distance-distance intersection.
• Surveyor Commands: Predetermined area, traverse adjust, inverse, compute volume between two surfaces, automatic bearing labels (with table support), automatic curve labeling (with table support), and profile generation.

Information Links
For current information, including online purchase, visit
Surveyor Specific command information and on line videos
General over all product information link
Free Customer Support / Feedback On Line Forum:
• Testimonials:
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• Download:
• Policy/Price:
• Commands:
• Surveyor Specific Utilities:
• Contact Email:

The price for a single-seat license of General CADD Pro is $599.00 US. This license includes the program and an on-screen manual in HTML format and unlimited Forum and e-mail support. The Surveyor S3D extension is currently being offered at $149.00 A "next version" pre-purchase option at the time of initial purchase is available for $199.00 US. Special arrangements for educational institutions are also available.