Newest Generation of Engineering Time Logging Software Released

CadTempo, a replacement for the popular Chronos for AutoCAD time tracking software is released. Version 4.0 extends it’s time keeping abilities to include AutoCAD LT, Revit, Inventor and other engineering related software.

Rockford, Il, April 28, 2009 – Engineered Design Solutions has released CadTempo, a time keeping software solution for engineering departments. Designed to automatically document engineering activity, CadTempo frees the engineers, designers, and draftsmen from the burden of needing to log their time.

Along with keeping an accurate daily log of work, time is logged by individual drawings. Project time can be easily summarized, reviewed, and documented. By tracking elapsed document time and actual user activity CadTempo can give you a peek into the performace efficiencies of the individual employee or a department as a whole. The manager can leverage the data CadTempo gathers to establish benchmarks for evaluation purposes, assist in developing performance improvement incentives, or help find bottle necks in the work flow. CadTempo has been shown to work with AutoCAD versions r14 to the latest 2010 release.

CadTempo is priced at $49.95 for a single user and multiple user discounts are available. Current Chronos for AutoCAD users receive a free cross-over registration. For a limited time, early adaptors of the CadTempo software are awarded discounted pricing on future enhanced product offerings. A 30 day fully featured evaluation copy is available from the CadTempo web site