New Century Software Releases SheetCutter and TemplateDesigner Version 7.0

Enhanced workflow and tight integration with ArcMAP simplify alignment sheet generation

Fort Collins, Colo. – April 20, 2009 – New Century Software has announced the release of version 7.0 of its SheetCutter and TemplateDesigner applications. The release includes significant enhancements to the workflow that pipeline operators and engineering firms experience when generating alignment sheets and area maps from a pipeline GIS.

SheetCutter is an industry leading tool for generating alignment sheets and area maps from a pipeline GIS implementation. With the release of version 7.0, users can now create, delete, and generate sheets directly from the Table of Contents view within ArcMAP. This tight ArcMAP integration greatly reduces the number of clicks needed to complete tasks and makes the workflow more intuitive for new users. The application has also been upgraded to accept both non-measured centerlines and non-numerical Route IDs. 

TemplateDesigner allows users to create custom alignment sheet and area map templates for use within SheetCutter. The application now includes a Band Manager panel so users can quickly view the available band types and apply them towards a mapping template. Users will also find the process of configuring data sources and editing symbology much quicker thanks to the Table of Contents view.

Oil and gas pipeline operators and engineering companies interested in learning about alignment sheet generation solutions from New Century Software are encouraged to visit  Demonstrations are available upon request.

About New Century Software
New Century Software provides enterprise GIS implementation, integrity management, data loading and management, asset mapping and reporting, and custom application development solutions for the oil and gas industry. Since 1994 the company has provided these services for many multi-national integrated energy companies and major pipeline operators. The company specializes in helping operators meet pipeline integrity management and data integration requirements.