2009 and 2010 NYSAPLS Spring and Fall workshops
You’ve spent decades honing your skills as a land surveyor. Now share your experience and knowledge with your peers by submitting a presentation for consideration at a NYSAPLS-sponsored event. And, earn extra CE credit for being a presenter!
We invite you to submit an application to present a best practice session at the NYSAPLS Annual Conference, or a one-day workshop held in cities across New York state. You may apply to present sessions that fit any of these categories:
• All-Day Workshop (6-8 hours)
These are offered as conference sessions or a stand-alone workshop scheduled in the spring and fall. Presentations that are truly hands-on with activities such as individual exercises, group discussions, quizzes, games or simulations are strongly encouraged. Presenters are individuals who possess exceptional qualifications.
• Half-Day Workshop (3-4 hours) These can be offered during the annual conference or as a standalone workshop scheduled throughout the year. These sessions should address topics that are current, thought-provoking, and interactive. Presentations that are truly hands-on with activities such as individual exercises, group discussions, quizzes, games or simulations are strongly encouraged.
• Concurrent Session (50-100 minutes) These are 1-2 hour sessions dealing with a variety of current topics appropriate for surveyors and their employees. Best practices and case studies of interesting and unique projects are ideal for peer-to-peer instruction. Training on surveying equipment, software and new applications are also considered as part of the annual conference schedule.
Deadline for Submission: March 31, 2009
For more information (143Kb PDF) click HERE