NGS-Geomatics Vendor Summit

A symposium cosponsored by NGS, ACSM and GIAA

About the Symposium
The National Geodetic Survey (NGS) and the Geomatics Industry Association of America (GIAA) both have an interest in reaching users of data and other products produced by NGS and instrumentation, software and peripherals produced or sold by GIAA members. The purpose of this symposium is to develop a mature system of communication between NGS and GIAA and any other manufacturers who are interested, to ensure that each of these parties properly use and communicate about the products and services made available to the public by the other party. Some of the issues to be discussed at this first symposium includes how to streamline communications between the parties, how manufacturers can collaborate with NGS and contribute to the mode, frequency and channels for data and products provided to the consumers. A key component of this inaugural symposium is to develop a schedule and topics for future symposia as well as to begin work on streamlining and improving the efficiency of communications between NGS and the manufacturers. As the nation’s premier professional society for surveyors and other geomatics practitioners, ACSM is cosponsoring this event to represent the audience to be addressed by the improvements in data and products produced by NGS and GIAA, and indeed, all manufacturers who wish to participate in this activity. Even though organized jointly by ACSM, NGS and GIAA, the purpose of this event is to be inclusive of all manufacturers who may have an interest in these topics.

For a 186Kb PDF of the rest of the information, including the schedule, hotel information, etc., click HERE