Colorado State Governor Bill Ritter Jr. Proclaimed September 8-14, 2008 as GIS WEEK

Denver, September 8, 2008 –Colorado State Governor Bill Ritter has recognized the substantial contributions made by GIS related industries to Colorado and has officially declared September 8-14, 2008 as GIS Week.

GIS Week coincides with the 21st Annual GIS in the Rockies conference, September 10-12th, 2008 at the Ranch in Loveland, CO. The conference theme is "Mapping Your Assets".

To be recognized in this way underscores the importance geospatial imaging technology has on the way businesses move into the future. The Colorado Front Range is one of the main centers for geo-technologies in the United States.

Spatial information management is changing the way C-level executives grow their companies and manage their bottom lines. From location-based services to mapping business assets, these new advances are changing business in a fundamental way.  And, according to Jeff Akers, President of Colorado engineering and spatial information management powerhouse CH2M HILL, and Keynote Speaker at GIS In the Rockies Conference, if CEOs and other C-level leaders don’t start to take full advantage of this business-changing technology and “get on the bandwagon, their competitors are going to eat them for lunch.”

About GIS In The Rockies
GIS in the Rockies is the intermountain west’s premier geospatial information and technology conference. Held September 10-12, 2008 at The Ranch, located in Loveland, Colorado, the conference offers opportunities for industry professionals to learn more about geospatial technology issues and business-centric strategies supporting every vertical market touched by the geospatial industry. Conference attendees include representatives from local, state, and federal government, the utilities industry, environmental services, land surveying professionals, the oil and gas industry, retail and business marketing professionals. More information is available at

See the full text of the Proclamation below:

September 8 – 14, 2008

WHEREAS, developers and users of geographic information systems have made major contributions to the State of Colorado and the United States through the creation, implementation, and use of systems that support decisions based on location; and

WHEREAS, the Colorado Front Range is one of the main centers for geo-technologies in the United States; and

WHEREAS, greater understanding of GIS and GIS-related technologies in business, government, academia, and among the general public is important to advancements in the field; and

WHEREAS, the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing – Rocky Mountain Region, the Geospatial Information Technology Association – Rocky Mountain Chapter, the Professional Land Surveyors of Colorado, the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association – Rocky Mountain Chapter, and GIS Colorado are proud to jointly present the 21st Annual "GIS in the Rockies" conference in Denver; and

WHEREAS, GIS in the Rockies will feature a program of workshops, technical paper presentations, and exhibits of GIS and GIS-related technologies with the theme, "Mapping Your Assets," and admission will be open to the public;

Therefore, I, Bill Ritter, Jr., Governor of the State of Colorado, do hereby proclaim September 8 – 14, 2008, GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS WEEK in the State of Colorado.

GIVEN under my hand and the Executive Seal of the State of Colorado, this fifth day of August, 2008
Bill Ritter, Jr.