Potomac Region of ASPRS Announces 15th Annual GeoTech

The Potomac Region of the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRSPR) is pleased to announce the 15th annual GeoTech: The Premiere Mid-Atlantic Imagery and Geospatial Conference, exploring “Emerging Geospatial Technologies and Applications” on 7 and 8 October 2008. The 2-day event features 1 day of Workshops taught by experts, and 1 day of Technical sessions. Co-hosted by the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), GeoTech 2008 will be held at the NOAA’s Auditorium and Science Center in Silver Spring, MD.

The GeoTech 2008 Conference will provide workshops covering LiDAR, 3-D Urban Modeling, GIS/Remote Sensing Integration, and Geodesy. The Technical Program will focus on Geospatial Data Acquisition, Geospatial Data Production and Distribution, and Emerging Geospatial

ASPRS-PR will offer the Certification Examination Review Workshop for ASPRS Certification as a Certified Mapping Scientist and Certified Photogrammetrist.

Continuing Education Credits will be offered for those professionals requiring recertification.

During the Technical Session, an opportunity will be available to ask questions about the pending State of Virginia Photogrammetrist Licensing Requirements.

Representatives from the Geospatial industry will be on-hand to exhibit their latest tools and offerings.

Details, registration, and contact info is available at www.asprspotomac.org/geotech

MARK YOUR CALENDARS and see you at GeoTech 2008 in Silver Spring, MD

Dave Szymanski
President, Potomac Region VP, Potomac Region

Dr. Barbara Eckstein
GeoTech08 Conference Chair