RICS Announces Unprecedented Global Disaster Management Volunteer Initiative: BuildAction

BuildAction to Enlist the Expertise of Land, Construction and Property Professionals to Help Communities Around the World to Prevent and Recover from Natural Disasters

RICS President David Tuffin to Meet With Top Professionals In U.S., Canada and Jamaica To Build Awareness and Support

New York, May 6, 2008 – RICS Americas, the New York City-based division of the London-headquartered Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), the largest organization for professionals in property, land, construction and related environmental issues worldwide, is proud to announce the formation of BuildAction, a disaster management initiative which aims to bring together building industry professionals and humanitarian workers to help vulnerable communities around the world prepare for and recover from disasters.  RICS President David Tuffin, FRICS, will visit the Americas region the week of May 12 to meet with industry and government leaders, including the Jamaican Prime Minister Orette Bruce Golding, to create awareness and enlist support for this global project.

“BuildAction originated from the unprecedented need for post-disaster reconstruction skills after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami,” said Tuffin.  “As a public-interest organization comprised of the world’s top built environment professionals, RICS has a unique opportunity to combine the disaster relief efforts of humanitarian organizations and building professionals to provide immediate and long-term support.”

Following the December 2004 tsunami, many chartered surveyors from a range of building and disaster-specific disciplines contacted RICS to volunteer their help and expertise in the relief efforts.  This enormous response led to the creation of the RICS Major Disaster Management Commission to address how built environment professional skills and knowledge could be deployed to help vulnerable communities at all stages of the disaster management cycle. 

“RICS has worked with the United Nations, World Economic Forum and major charities to help disaster victims worldwide.  Forming BuildAction speaks to the commitment of RICS to utilize its skills to help those who need it most,” said RICS Americas Managing Director Matthew Bruck.  “One of the primary principles of disaster preparedness is to have a plan in place and the goal of BuildAction is to create such a plan for the developing world.”

BuildAction activities may include helping communities prepare for disasters through urban planning, applying building codes, dealing with land tenure uses and managing post-disaster reconstruction efforts. 

“We have had an amazing response to the BuildAction concept from major international surveying firms and we hope to encourage employers to place staff on post-event disaster projects, with appropriate training,” said Tuffin.  “Provided the will exists, there are no obstacles that cannot be overcome and helping others is not only corporate responsibility but a life changing experience.”

Generic surveying skills are essential for participating building professionals and humanitarian training will be provided for those without disaster-specific experience.  BuildAction is currently seeking support and volunteer of services from firms and individuals interested in developing and participating in the BuildAction initiative.  Surveyors interested in providing their professional skills in disaster prone and disaster hit area are invited to contact RICS through www.buildaction.org.  RICS is also calling for existing projects in need of built environment expertise which can be submitted to Deputy Director of RICS’ Major Disaster Management Commission Karen Gardham at kgardham@rics.org.

About RICS
RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors), with headquarters in London, is the largest organization for professionals in property, land, construction and related environmental issues worldwide.  The organization promotes best practice, regulation and consumer protection to business and the public.  Over 140,000 members in 146 countries operate across 17 disciplines, from development, brokerage and construction to environmental issues, valuation and fine arts appraisal.  RICS is the preeminent source of real estate-related knowledge, providing independent, impartial advice to governments and global organizations. www.rics.org. The RICS credentials – MRICS and FRICS – are granted to practitioners who demonstrate professional competence and the highest standards of business practice and ethics through stringent evaluation procedures.  RICS Americas, based in New York and covering North, Central and South America and the Caribbean, has over 2,500 members in commercial and residential development, ownership, construction management, brokerage, planning, engineering and finance.  www.rics.org/americas. For further information please email RICS Americas at ricsamericas@rics.org.