New Online Magazine Unites Geocachers and Professional Surveyors

Madison, Wisconsin — October 1, 2007 — Every geocacher, amateur bench mark hunter, and professional surveyor has fascinating stories to tell. When Berntsen International produced our showcase book about survey markers, Lasting Impressions, we sought out stories from both professionals and amateurs. Now, we’re inviting those two communities to meet up again via our new online magazine, Caching Now.

Caching Now ( celebrates geocaching and bench mark hunting. Because it’s produced by the world’s largest manufacturer of survey markers, we’re also inviting our professional surveying friends to read about these GPS-based hobbies, and to share their expertise with their amateur colleagues.

At Caching Now, we plan to:
• Help surveyors promote land surveying as a potential career.
• Tell interesting stories about geocaching and bench mark hunting.
• Promote GPS-based hobbies as fun, educational activities for families.
• Get more geocachers interested in bench mark hunting.
• Provide useful resources and links.
• Have fun!

Current and upcoming articles in Caching Now range from personal essays to expedition reports to technical discussions. The first issue features stories about survey markers at Disneyland and Walt Disney World, the different types of maps available on GPS receivers, and the National Society of Professional Surveyors’ Geocaching Project.

The premiere issue of Caching Now is now online at  Share the fun and your experiences.

About Berntsen International
Berntsen International, Inc. ( is the world’s largest manufacturer of survey markers. From its headquarters in Madison, Wisconsin, the company produces monuments and markers that have thus far been placed in over 90 countries and all 50 states. Berntsen has also created a number of commemorative survey markers, including ones for the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial and the National Geodetic Survey’s Center of Population project.