
A 372Kb PDF of this article as it appeared in the magazine—complete with images—is available by clicking HERE

Slanderous Article
To my ex-good friends Marc Cheves, Tim Kent and Dave Steele, reference is made to your June article titled "She Did It Again!", some of the content of which begs for clarification. First of all, anyone could have found the corner and markings after we three professional land surveyors spent two (okay, maybe more) hours finding out where the darn thing wasn’t! Second, I remember quite clearly that only after about 10 to 15 minutes (average time spent on corner recovery by the two "guvmint" guys before declaring a corner "lost"), they wished to "go get Delores". I remember saying "over my dead body" a couple of times and made them continue the search. Third, as the only real (i.e., private) surveyor on site, I was not able to spend all of the above time searching for the corner because the two guvmint guys kept wandering off and I was afraid they would hurt themselves. Did the article mention their afternoon naps? Fourth, the expression on the face of the "other guy" was the result of having to spend more than two hours on a rock in the middle of the Georgia Straits looking for evidence with two guvmint surveyors constantly repeating "Can we go get Delores now?" ad nauseum. There is one additional glaring mistake in the article: it took Delores less than five minutes to find the markings, not the 10 minutes mentioned. Whatever happened to the expression "Taught him/ her everything he/she knows"?
Denny DeMeyer, PLS
Via the Internet

A 372Kb PDF of this article as it appeared in the magazine—complete with images—is available by clicking HERE