Two New Members Named to ASPRS Foundation Board of Trustees

ASPRS President Marguerite Madden has appointed Dr. Tina Cary, Cary and Associates (Longmont, Colorado), and Dr. Clifford Greve, SAIC (Farnham, Virginia), to the ASPRS Foundation Board of Trustees.  Bryan J. Logan, Fugro-EarthData International, Inc. (Frederick, Maryland) was reappointed for another term.  The Board now has a total of six trustees. 

In making these appointments, Madden commented, “Our members have responded generously and enthusiastically to the ASPRS Foundation. We hope that the participation of eminent leaders, such as these appointees, in the guidance of the Foundation will continue to inspire our members to donate towards the endowment of our scholarships and awards. We most certainly appreciate the Trustees’ personal support of ASPRS and its future.”

ASPRS Foundation President Thomas Lillesand noted, “Collectively these individuals have already played a substantive role in advancing the geospatial information profession in general, and have made numerous contributions to the goals and programs of ASPRS in particular.  They have demonstrated a vision and deep commitment to ensuring the future vitality of educational opportunities in our profession, and that is what the Foundation is all about.”

The Foundation Board of Trustees has a clearly stated short-term goal of fully endowing all existing ASPRS awards and scholarships. The current estimate is that approximately $500,000 will be required to reach that interim goal. The Foundation balance was approximately $390,000 as of June 2007.

ASPRS strongly supports the Foundation’s goals, and the Board of Direction has specifically set aside funds from the Society’s reserves, totaling $80,000 to date, to match individual ASPRS member and Region contributions to the Foundation.

More information about the Foundation, including the Board of Trustees, can be found at the website –  Donations to the Foundation and the individual awards and scholarships may be made online at

Founded in 1979, The ASPRS Foundation, Inc. is an independent 501(c)3 organization established to provide grants, scholarships, loans and other forms of aid to individuals or organizations pursuing knowledge of imaging and geospatial information science and technology, and their applications across the scientific, governmental, and commercial sectors.  The Foundation is the primary funding source for all non-sponsored awards and scholarships recognized by the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.