Boundary Solutions Inc. Digital Parcel Map Accuracy Survey Results Available

Mill Valley, CA: Boundary Solutions is pleased to announce that digital parcel map geographic accuracy has significantly improved over the last two years. This finding is based on 808 records in the National ParcelMap Data Portal Metadata Profile database representing 88 million parcels. As can be seen in the accompanying chart, reported map accuracy ratings provided by these 808 data sponsors are trending toward greater accuracy. The total percentage of parcels with 1 to 6 foot accuracy has increased across the board, while the percentages of parcel with an accuracy rating of 10 ft + has significantly decreased since 2005. This is true whether measured in terms of accuracy by total counties or total parcels.

This shift is due to the accuracy of the NPDP updating process, where maps of poor accuracy are continually being updated with more accurate map data.

All in all, these findings clearly show that digital parcel map database managers nationwide are truly working hard to establish and improving the excellence of this vital GIS data layer.

About Boundary Solutions Inc.
Boundary Solutions Inc. has assembled the most extensive database of parcel map data available from jurisdictions throughout the United States. As of March 2006, a total of 51 million parcels from 405 jurisdictions are normalized and ready for download. Terms and conditions for digital parcel map database acquisition and updates are in place for 450 more jurisdictions, a total of 86 million parcels representing coverage for up to 95% of the nation’s land transaction activity. Regardless of source format, all content is subjected to over 25 modifications and metric recordings to assure universal internal consistency makes it possible for an application that works in Seattle also works in St. Pete. Boundary Solutions Inc. was awarded U.S. Patent 7,092,957, entitled “Computerized National Online Parcel-level Map Data Portal.” Claims include multi-jurisdictional search to locate an address by displaying its corresponding digital parcel map boundary. The patent relates back to the original provisional patent application filing date of January 18, 2002. Boundary Solutions, BSI, Boundary Solutions logo, National ParcelMap Data Portal, NPDP, and Rooftop Accuracy are trademarks of BSI. All other trademarks and company names mentioned are the property of their respective owners.