Prosurv LLC announces the release of Pocket Quads Big Bend National Park Edition

Pocket Quads™ is software for the Pocket PC that gives the user real-time GPS positioning on digital topo maps on their Pocket PC, and offers the most advanced  auto map-loading capabilities in the industry.  Pocket Quads auto-loads, auto-centers, and auto-tracks topo maps, in real time, based on the current GPS position (GPS receiver not included).  Rather than downloading portions of maps from a PC, or a narrow route from point A to point B, Pocket Quads allows the user to store hundreds of FULL SIZE digital topo maps on a single Flash (CF or SD) Card, and loads them automatically, as needed.

Pocket Quads Big Bend National Park Edition™ includes Topographic maps covering all of Big Bend National Park, as well as Big Bend Ranch State Park.  Over 100 topo maps are included in the package, in all 3 scales (1:24,000 scale also known as the 7.5′ USGS Quadrangles, 1:100,000 scale, and 1:250,000 scale).  Pocket Quads supports the latest Microsoft Windows Mobile operating system (Windows Mobile 5), as well as Windows Mobile 2003 and Windows Mobile 2003SE devices.  Pocket Quads also supports the ultra-rugged Archer® by Juniper Systems and is available as a complete hardware and software solution.

Pocket Quads software allows the user to switch between the 1:24,000, 1:100,000, and 1:250,000 scale maps "on the fly".  The software also offers pan, zoom, import, export, and storing of points, annotations, and lines to a job file, and point navigation (stakeout).  In addition, Pocket Quads can record GPS points by time or distance, and has a unique Playback feature which plays back your recorded points in real time.  Features include auto-sensing of comm port and baud rate, Lat/Long and Coordinate display, Satellite display, Distance and Mid-Point functions, Annotations, Line creation, and viewing of recorded data.  Pocket Quads supports all NAD83 State Plane and UTM Coordinate zones.  Pocket Quads Big Bend National Park Edition includes the TX GNIS database, which allows users to search for features by Feature Name, such as Persimmon Gap, The Window, or Lost Mine.  Tap the Load button and the Topo Map containing that feature is automatically loaded and displayed.  Radial searches by Feature Type are also supported, such as all of the "Bridges" within 5 miles of a tapped point or your current GPS position.

Pocket Quads is the perfect companion for hiking, geo-cacheing, rock hounding, and recording your Big Bend NP experience.  Pocket Quads Big Bend National Park Edition™ is available on CD or SD Card.  The CD contains installation files, documentation, and pre-processed Topo Maps, ready to be copied to your CF or SD flash card.  Microsoft ActiveSync® is used to install Pocket Quads from the CD.  Pocket Quads Big Bend National Park Edition is also available pre-loaded onto an SD Card.  The SD Card contains all of the Topo Maps and installation files for Pocket Quads, therefore bypassing the need for a PC.

A User’s Guide and a Quick Start Guide are available for download at the web site.  Questions can be sent to, or call Toll-free 888-647-9500.

Prosurv LLC manufactures and distributes cutting-edge software for Surveyors and the GIS industry. Other software by Prosurv LLC include Pocket Quads Yellowstone National Park Edition™, Prosurv cEZ.NET™, Prosurv Imaging™, and Prosurv Pocket WorldCon™.