MAPPS Legislative Affairs Committee Appointed

As a means of increasing member participation in MAPPS activities and to making the association’s public policy efforts more effective, MAPPS President Kurt Allen has formed a Legislative Affairs Committee.  The committee will consist of eight (8) MAPPS member firm principals, including President-elect Marvin Miller, who will serve as chairman, and others who represent a cross section of membership interests and who are knowledgeable and active in the political and legislative arena.  They are Kass Green of The Alta Vista Company, Steve Hebert of 3001, Michael Janus of Tenix, Anne Miglarese of EarthData, Clark Nelson of Spot Image, Jim Page of  James W. Sewall Company and Dawn Sienicki of DigitalGlobe.

“These individuals have been selected because of their experience and activity in legislative affairs, knowledge of how Congress works, and their commitment to MAPPS and the profession," Mr. Allen said.

The committee will coordinate legislative activities of national and state significance to members of the private geospatial profession and work with other allied organizations on public policy matters of mutual interest.  The committee will recommend to the Board of Directors an annual MAPPS legislative agenda, and strategies and priorities for accomplishing Board of Direction-approved policies, and shall propose action on nationally significant issues related to the geospatial community when required by pending legislative, and executive or judicial branch action.  The committee will recommend to the Board individuals for MAPPS to nominate for appointment of geospatial professionals to fill Federal positions.  The MAPPS Legislative Affairs Committee will meet on a regular basis, at MAPPS conferences and independent of such conferences, to develop a recommendation to the Board on the association’s annual agenda, to consider policies, and to develop proposed positions.  It will be assisted and supported by the MAPPS Executive Director and Government Affairs Manager.

Inquiries can be directed to:
John Palatiello
MAPPS Executive Director