Tying it all together: GPS, CAD, and Maps

AMC, Inc. has released GPS2CAD Ver 3.0, a powerful Windows application that enables users to effectively bring into their design environment the GPS points they have collected, their favorite CAD application, and public domain aerial photos and Topo maps.

The primary benefit is a significant reduction of job costs because GPS2CAD lets you use an affordable GPS unit instead of producing an extremely expensive and overly-accurate site survey.

GPS2CAD enables design professionals to easily and inexpensively use
recreational-grade GPS units to collect field information and plot it in their CAD program. While professional survey-grade systems are more accurate, most recreational GPS units are well-suited for many site layout and "topo-plotting" requirements.

Viewing the imported points on actual public-domain aerial photos or topographic maps is an important part of GPS2CAD. These maps are obtained automatically when the user clicks the "View Points" button, and then displayed in a separate window with the map, points and id clearly plotted.

GPS2CAD translates the GPS points from their "satellite based" coordinate system into more than 40 world wide coordinate systems, including the extremely popular NAD 27, NAD 83, and the State Plane Coordinate systems (used in the United States).

The program is designed to work with AutoCAD, versions 14.01 through 2004. In addition, it will export the point data to text files, Access 2000 files, and DXF files, so most technical/CAD programs (including AutoCAD LT) can use the point data.

GPS2CAD Ver. 3.0 is especially useful for capturing and viewing the location of trails, outdoor recreation sites, and topographic features. The program’s "Real Time Capture" of GPS points allows the user to place GPS2CAD on a laptop, connect their GPS receiver, and "drive around" collecting the points as they go. If desired, the points can be plotted real time to AutoCAD or an Access 2000 database, so other programs needing this point information can process it in real time also. The real fun part is to drive around town watching your route
being traced in an AutoCAD drawing (keep your eyes on the road – or let someone else drive!).

GPS2CAD Ver 3.0 (in current release) is a follow-on product to Ver. 2.5, which has been on the market for two years. The latest version works with Garmin GPS receivers, and an upcoming release will also provide support for Magellan units. The program works on Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003.

The author believes this is the only product on the market that fills the
tremendous gap between inexpensive, hand-held GPS receivers and the CAD environment. The program is currently priced at $345 (U.S.)

For more information, contact AMC, Inc., 4109 W. Laurel Lane, Phoenix, AZ 85029 USA Phone: (602) 978-0720. Internet: Email: info@AzTechSoft.com

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Since 1999 AMC Inc. has been creating and marketing CAD and Engineering applications for Windows users. Mark Crigler is a Registered Professional Engineer (Civil) in the State of Arizona, and has been actively involved in the engineering profession for over 30 years. Since December of 2000 he has been a Microsoft Certified Solution Developer.

Evaluation copies of GPS2CAD are available at http://www.aztechsoft.com/download.htm
Screen shots are at: http://www.aztechsoft.com/gpscad.htm